About the Journal

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences-TJPLS Journal (ISSN : 2349-9818) is a Scholarly Double-Blind Peer-reviewed international journal which promotes the original work in field of pharmaceutical and life sciences. Necessity is the mother of invention and invention arises from researches. Therefore promoting researchers is way to solving the problems of humanity. Pharmacy is the field which is for serving the mankind and to relieve it from suffering. TJPLS accepts original research papers, review articles and short communications in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medical Sciences, Ayurveda,  Agriculture Science and  including all the related disciplines Life Sciences.

Title Proper : Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

Abbreviated Key-Title: Trop. J. Pharm. Life Sci.

Type of Resource: Periodical

Online ISSN : 2349-9818

Language : English

Issuse per Year : 6

Frequency : Bimonthly

Medium: Online

Online Price : Open Access

Journal Country/Territory : Republic of India


Editor-in-chief: Dr. Ram B.S. Jadoun

Managing Editor : Mrs. Rajni Singh Tomar

Associate Managing Editor: Kartavya Pratap Singh Jadoun

Publisher : Jadoun Science Publishing Group India

Publisher Address : A-586, Anand Lok, kalwar Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India-303706

Publisher Contact No. : 91-9460186699 (Whatsap)

 Note: If you encountered difficulties to submission of new manuscripts then you feel free to submit all the manuscripts to the editor via e-mail as "attachment" to the electronic addresses editortjpls@gmail.com or editorinformativejournals@gmail.com.